Katrina Calpane
Joy to be me
have more ease with body and mind
Katrina Calpane
Access Bars&Facelift Practitioner & Facilitator
I am a mum, alignment therapist, friend, and someone who never gives up, always aiming for greater!
I have 19 years of experience in bodywork, including massage, aligning the spine, acupuncture, emotional work and more.
You are welcome to receive bars sessions, facelift, body processes, massage, online clearings or come and learn Access Bars, GaiaTouch or Facelift process yourself.
Access Consciousness The Bars®
Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!
It’s like hitting the delete button on your computer. All of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that keep you stuck, that keep you repeating the same patterns in your life over and over again, are released.
You are welcome to receive bars session or come and learn Access Bars yourself.Private Bars Sessions are available in London in the comfort of your own home or office.
90 min - £190 * 60 min - £130
Access Bars Class
The first class in Access Consciousness is The Bars®.
If you'd like change in your life and more ease with your body, I invite you to join me for this one-day class that can be incredibly nurturing for your body and changes everything with ease.
During an Access Bars class you will receive two Access Bars sessions – and gift two sessions as well.
In addition, you will learn amazing tools that you can use to change any situation in your Life.
The manual you receive will assist you in learning Access Bars including the 32 bars points on the head, the proper hand positions and other tools from Access Consciousness.
By the end of the day, you will be a certified practitioner who will be able to gift this amazing process to your family, friends and clients.
Taking the Access Bars class is a prerequisite for all Access Consciousness® Core classes as it allows your body to process and receive the changes you are choosing with ease.
1-day class £340 / repeat price £170
Access Energetic Facelift
The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body.
The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.
People have reported changes in the following:
- Tlight and luminosity of the face
- Elasticity of the skin
- Clarity of the eyes
- Glow in the hair
- Lifting of breasts and buttocks
- Improved energy
- Increased relaxation
What occurs during class?
This class is a one-day, hands-on class in which participants learn the Access Energetic Facelift and participate in gifting two sessions and receiving two sessions.
During this class, you will work with the energies in the body and face, and while applying these, discover what can be released.
Once we get rid of the judgments we project at our faces and bodies daily in the mirror, our body has the space to regenerate itself.
What else is possible?
Learn the Access Energetic Facelift with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits of this dynamic process on a weekly basis.
The Access Energetic Facelift can also be a brilliant addition to any business where you work with clients and their bodies – beauty, wellness, massage, and more. Expand your clientele and range of services offered.
1-Day class £340
Individual sessions are available: 60 min - £130, 10 sessions package - £1200
Access Bars classes and Access Energetic Facelift classes in London and around the world.
One-to-one classes are available.
Please get in touch
Learn Access Bars, GaiaTouch and Facelift classes in the group: Thur, Fri, 27&28 February - GaiaTouch Practitioner Training- Hackney, London, UK Sunday, 2 March - Access Bars Class, Knightsbridge, London, UK. Saturday, 15 February - Access Facelift Class in Hackney, London. Friday, 14 February - Access Bars Class in Hackney, London, UK. Wed, 20 March - Access Bars Class in Hackney, London.
There are different ways to align your body and be kind to it. You can have nurturing & deep tissue massage, gentle spinal alignment, acupuncture treatment, but what I found the quickest and kindest way is to receive Body processes. Body processes are not invasive, gentle, hands-on therapy to release, clear, align your body to the natural state.
There are variety of proccessess (gentle touch on your body in different locations, over the clothes) which can contribute or help to heal scars, lumps, cancer, eyes vision, body fat etc, also Beautiful Earthy proccess to help you to feel much more present with your body and be in the moment.
We can blend your treatment, access bars with body processes. What would you and your body like?
If you would like to book the session, please get in touch: 07471151190
90 min session - £195
60 min session - £130
Receive kindness to you and your body in the comfort of your home.
Nurturing Massage
I am a body lover. To nurture, bring kindness, align your body is my work. If you would like deep tissue, Thai yoga, aromatherapy, or relaxing massage, please get in touch to book your session in the comfort of your own home. By now, I have 18 years of experience in massage world and thousands people massaged by me.
60 min session - £130
Online free clearing sessions
This month I offer 15 min free online sessions to clear any emotional baggage you might accumulated over time. If you have something in your life you would like to improve and feel stuck, can be health issue or business, please feel free to contact and book your clearing session free of charge. I use The Emotion Code, the Body Code, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Access Consciousness tools, and Theta healing to clear what stagnant. Please text to book enquire about free session : 07471151190
Online sessions
Have you had experience in your life, which still brings up heartache or negative emotions when you think of it? or perhaps you can't even talk about it, as it way too overwhelming? Or something you hide well from others and scared if you talk about it no one will be able to understand and accept you? You don't need to speak much about it. I am an energy healer and tuning in into issue will help you to clear an energetic cluster of it, release trapped emotions and show you a different perspective on the situation, by bringing clarity and peace into it.
If you would like to book your clearing session, please get in touch.
30 min session - £50, 60 min session - £90, 90 min sessions - £135.
Call or text to book your session/s to change your life for greater.
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Nurturing Massage
QuantityComing soonContact
what people say
Brenda, London
"It was an incredibly relaxing experience and I felt like the "windows" had been opened in my head to give it a good airing and spring clean! I felt I had greater clarity after bars session."
David, London
"My experience with Bars was super relaxing. I have my Bars run once a month to keep me sane."
"My Access Bars session with Katrina was very gentle and relaxing but very powerful. When the session was finished, I felt I was connected to my Higher Self entirely and I could see the "bigger picture" of my reality. I experience food, objects and people from a whole new perspective, with so much more clarity. It was the first time that I could look at the "whole picture" with compassion and unconditional love."
Camelia, London
"I find it tricky to put in words the experience of a Bars session. The best I can do is that I was very surprised to have a feeling run through my entire body just from points on my head being touched. I went into great depth with my own mind during the session effortlessly. A beautiful state of relaxation and clarity of mind when the session was over. Genuinely in love with the method and practicing it regularly now with loved ones in my practice."
Anna, London
" Life-changing event. Thank You. Your positivity, kindness and infused sense of humor transformed my approach to Life".
Sarah D. Dublin
"I'm so busy at work, Katrina comes to my workplace to run my access bars sessions weekly, Life is much easier now. Thank you."
James, London
© 2019